Registration of the Fleet indefinitely (PFR)

The owner of a fleet of commercial and/or passenger vehicles can apply for PFR with the DMV.
- PFR cars receive a California permanent fleet sticker for the license plate and a permanent registration card instead of yearly registration stickers.
- To have a valid PFR account number allocated to their fleet, PFR applicants must fill out an Application for Permanent Fleet Registration (REG 3500) and agree to follow all program and vehicle registration criteria.
- A monthly renewal listing is sent out under the PFR scheme for all of the cars in a fleet that are due to expire that month.
- CVRA weight decals and CVRA year stickers are provided to CVRA cars in a fleet, and they are gold with PFR prominently printed in black. When a weight change is documented or the original is damaged, new CVRA stickers are only given.